


(アース・スチュワード・インスティテュート 代表)


Living in Harmony with Nature

                       by Douglas Fir


You and I have a lot in common. We both live on planet Earth and receive everything necessary to sustain our lifestyle indirectly from Mother Nature. Most of us love her beauty, her flora, and fauna. Perhaps many of us even have pets that we care for in exchange for the joy they bring us. But we are a paradox. While we love Mother Earth we are also participating in her destruction.

All of us in our daily lifestyle are constantly taking resources directly or indirectly from this planet without returning them. The most ecological minded person that is
living in modern society has a major detrimental effect on the planet. We enjoy the convenience of rapid transportation, electricity and gas, while the places we live in are filled with electronic gadgets and constructed with energy intensive building materials. All these items can be thought of as eco points

Often we think "I'm not destroying nature but such and such a company, government, or person is responsible. Perhaps this is so but only because their actions are so noticeable. We forget that what we see 'out there' is also within us.
After all who buys the products that these companies manufacture? We do. We are creating our lifestyle constantly minute by minute through our choices and actions.
Unlike our parents and grandparents we have many more variables influencing our decisions but at the same time more information available to be able to make these choices.
In this age of easy access to information it has become apparent and calculable the effect one person ...YOU... can have on this planet. Faced with the facts that almost
everything we do is in some way effecting this planet what should we do? Drop out, give away the stereo and go live in a cave in Nepal? Not necessary. Taking responsibility for our creation is the first step. Educating ourselves and others is the second way to pay back all of the energy debits we have borrowed from Mother Earth since we first became consumers. No matter where we live on this planet, if we rediscover our natural sense and only use technology appropriately then we will come to live closer in harmony with nature.

In this book we will explore the effects and choices presently available to us to calculate the impact each one of us has on the environment and explore the opportunities available to lessen that impact no matter where we live. We will explore some of the most recent advances in environmental enhancing ideas and meet researchers and inventors from around the world.

Major areas of study will include alternative energy
production, zero pollution transportation, low impact home
construction, product life cycle analysis, waste management,
residental farming, etc. all with emphasis on introducing
you to solutions to the challenges facing us today.

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