SANAE NENE Healing & Voice Modulation Training

To sing: To live-Using breath and voice to modulate the body and open the heart-
Communicating with Nature and Life; Harmonizing with the Earth begins with me

When you are emmersed in the vibration created by your every cell, you do beyond logic and understand your bodily condition.


First find a place where you can relax. Lie on your back or sit in lotus position; what ever is the most relaxing and improves your concentration. Breath naturally. Quietly breath in and exhale softly while producing a sound. I prefer the 48 sounds of "i-ro-ha-ni-ho-he-to" or "hi-fu-mi-yo-i-mu-na", but you may use "a-i-u-e-o" ir "a-e-i-o-u". Breath slowly for about 20 to 30 minutes, producing a sound with every exhalation. Try to extend the sound to the end of each breath. If you like you may modulate the sound, turn over, or move freely. Try not to strain and produce a loud sound. At first you may choke and cough. The object is to slowly and gradually open the throat. Low tones may come out roughly, but as you become used to it change to pleasant vibrations which extend from the stomach throughout the body. Sometimes you may fall asleep. As the vocal cords expand, the volume in your lungs increases and the oxygen moving through your body and thus your cells are vitalized.

I discovered this technique while trying to turn my body into a musical instrument, and to produce sounds comfortably.I believe that other than the dentist, my not having to see a doctor for the past thirteen years, is due to this exercise.

If you produce high notes, short oscillations are created; and if you produce low sounds, gentle oscillations are created. These vibration extend throughout the chest, to the other bodily organs, the womb, the crotch, the thighs, and on to the tips of your toes.

When you are emmersed in the vibration created by your every cell, you do beyond logic and understand your bodily condition.


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