Inochi no Matsuri 2000
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Free land and matriarchial society

-The aim of feminism -

Eiichi Morino

"Women must become economically independent from men. Through such
independence, women can select men, instead of becoming dependent on them.
That way, women can follow where their feelings of love guide them, and act
out the desires which they have been holding back. This will bring about
good results to human nature, and realize what is best suited for them. The
true nature of human beings can be manifested through such means. This is
how we can see human beings in the true sense for the first time. (Silvio

Are humans actually realizing their natural human nature in our
relationship in society? We seem to have been sick for a very long period,
physically, mentally and emotionally. The patriarchal control system seems
to be destroying mankind comprised of female and male through a "mistaken
regulation s that have been passed on for thousands of years."

Furthermore, the land on which mankind live is the "placenta of
mankind" with all the fruits it brings about. However, this place for
nurturing people was not a place where any and every global citizen could
freely walked and build homes, regardless of their origin, religion,
political beliefs or the color of skin. It is only when this is guaranteed
that humans can actually achieve organic connection with the earth. Land has
become private property, and has become a commodity for investment. The
ownership of land should shift from public to private. However, when we
consider the cultural value of private ownership of land, it is not possible
to expropriate land all at once.

Of course, we have means to turn land into public property through
peaceful and acceptable means. If the owner wishes, the state can purchase
it in exchange for a land bond. Ample interest will be guaranteed for this
bond. However, unlike the conventional currency in which the owner can
exercise the power of money, the redemption of this bond will be made
through a currency which has a devaluing property, where the owner is taxed
the longer it holds onto the currency. This is a way to return land to
society without hurting anyone.

The current economic system is designed so that those who loan currency
and land can demand interest and land use fee. Human beings were not born
from their mother with gold coins in their arms and land on their backs.
Yet, we are living in the system where one can possess a claim called
interest in land use fee that is not related to their ability or work.

The reason why power is given to currency is because everyone wants it.
The reason why everyone wants it is because it is scarce. If currency
existed in large quantity just like air, no one would recognize power to
those who have collected currency. Why does land have value? The reason is
simple. It*s because there are many people. No matter how wonderful the
land, it would have no value if there is no people. If a landowner is to
demand rent by renting land, the land should not belong to the landlord.
This is because rent income is simply dependent on human density.

What is determining human density is women who give birth to and raise
children. It is women who give birth to children and do housework. This is
what creates the value of land. Yet, society does not pay anything to such
work done by women. The price of land is materialized by the profits
brought about by the concentration of people to that particular land. This
value must belong to the people who are the source of such population, and
this is the mothers. The value must also belong to the children of these
mothers, who will be maintaining the land value through their maturation as

If the land is public property, rent should be paid to mothers and
children, and if the land is still under private property, all taxes related
to land should be paid to mothers and children. This can be paid in the
form of mother*s and children*s pension. This way, mothers can become
financially independent from fathers. This will also emancipate fathers who
are forced to do excessive hard work for the purpose of supporting their

As lands become public, there will emerge differences in the price of
usage rights will for lands with high rent and land with zero rent (free
land). Women would have obtained financial independence through Mother’s
pension, so if they want to focus on child rearing they can live on free
land with low rent. If they want to raise their children while pursuing
their careers, they can choose land that has more rent. The issue of land
congestion and depopulation will be solved.

When the earth sees free women who are financially independent, we will
also see free men. By achieving economic equality between men and women,
mankind can stand realize oneself as for its own sake, not for someone
else*s sake. When society demonstrates its mothering nature, the true nature
of mankind will appear, and in this peaceful society, people will find that
they are nurtured by the earth environment whose core spirit is the great