Inochi no Matsuri 2000
祭りHPin アマナクニ祭りのデータ祭り参加要綱

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Inochi no Matsuri 2000

Declaration of Life

Those of us who came together to participate in the "Forum of Life" at the
Inochi no Matsuri 2000 have written this Declaration of Life to express our
common vision.

We have come to realize that society as we know it today is founded on forms of technology, politics, economy and agriculture that destroy the respect for life.

The time is ripe now for us to choose to adopt forms of technology, politics
and agriculture that nurture and support life.

We hereby make an oath to work in each of our own fields to create a society
in which every being can maximize his or her individuality and live in joy.

We hereby create the "Forum of Life," with the purpose of supporting one
another's work.

We now begin on the path to realize a society that values the life of all people, the life of plants and animals, and the life of the earth.

Toward this end, we confirm the following points.

All economic activity must affirm life; health and environmental concerns
must supercede financial gain.

All government policies must affirm life.

All technology must follow the natural laws of nature, and must affirm life.

All agriculture must follow the natural laws of nature, and must affirm life.

Never nukes, ever green